The Evolution of Electricity and Home Appliances

The Evolution of Electricity and Home Appliances

In 1879, Thomas Edison had a light bulb moment – literally. He invented a working light bulb. It was a major disruption to a world that was used to expensive and dirty oil lamps. Only the rich could afford to stay up late at night burning the midnight oil….


The Huduma Namba

The Huduma Namba

Posted on 6 min read

Huduma Namba has been a running theme in Kenya for almost two years now. This is a biometric digital identification system for Kenyan Citizens, technically known as the National Integrated Identification Management Systems (NIIMS). It was aimed at creating a single source of person’s identity in Kenya with the…


When it Comes to Data, The More, The Merrier

When it Comes to Data, The More, The Merrier

Posted on 2 min read

What if I gave you a list of all the phone numbers that are registered in Kenya? What would you do with this information? Nothing much, unless if you wanted to blindly text every Kenyan. Perhaps, you could if you are running a presidential campaign, or sell Kensalt which…


Reasons Why People opt for Solar Energy

Reasons Why People opt for Solar Energy

Posted on 1 min read

Almost everyone is switching to solar. That’s not true, but it is a common statement today. The world is talking about renewable energy and for most people, solar comes to mind. If you want to join the bandwagon, perhaps you need to figure out if it is suitable for…


The Dirty Side of Solar Energy

The Dirty Side of Solar Energy

Posted on 2 min read

When it is time to go green, solar power becomes a favorite source of energy. Many people and institutions continue to adopt this source of energy that is essentially free and available in many places especially along the equator. But it comes at a cost. There are two matters…


2020: A Lesson on Resilience

2020: A Lesson on Resilience

Posted on 3 min read

I don’t need to introduce the year 2020 to anybody on planet Earth because the year has done a pretty good job of announcing its presence. The rich, the poor, the famous, the obscure, the healthy, the sickly, the employed, the unemployed and every possible group of people has…


Is Kenya Becoming a Retail Deathplace?

Is Kenya Becoming a Retail Deathplace?

Posted on 3 min read

Kenya is quickly becoming a deathbed for giant retailers. In a period of about six years, several retailers that had a national presence have met their grave in what appears to be a national curse that befalls whoever attempts to win the retail The state owned Uchumi Supermarket has…


2020 KeNIC Awards

2020 KeNIC Awards

Posted on 3 min read

The 4th annual .KE Registar Awards was held virtually on 2nd December 2020. This is an event that brings together all the .KE domain registrars together and is organized by KeNIC, the registry in charge of the .KE ccTLD. This year’s event had been postponed due to the Covid-19…


The Attempt to Regulate ICT in Kenya

The Attempt to Regulate ICT in Kenya

Posted on 3 min read

For the third time in four years, a Bill to regulate the ICT industry has surfaced in Kenya. It was initially introduced in 2016, made a second appearance in 2018, and back again in 2020. This is the Information Communication Technology Practitioners Act of 2020. Among the proposals in…


Android Tax?

Android Tax?

Posted on 1 min read

Can you imagine Google squeezing out 1.8% of all income from the poorest of all people in the developing world? It sounds crazy, but it could be happening. Word going round is that Android phones exchange 260 MB of data every month with Google servers. This happens in the…
