Dead Reckoning

Dead Reckoning

Posted on 3 min read

It is possible to know where we are and whether we are moving at all, when we are walking, cycling, or even driving. We can see objects around us, and our position relative to them can help us know if we are moving or stationery. The road markings on…


The Most Foolish Bird

The Most Foolish Bird

Posted on 2 min read

There is a very foolish bird called Ngune. That’s the name in my native Embu language, I don’t know its English name. The bird only feeds on frogs, and the highlight of its foolishness is that it spends the whole day catching frogs from the river and placing them…


We talk of wild animals, but the wildest of all animals is man

Posted on 2 min read

“We talk of wild animals, but the wildest of all animals is man.” –GK Chesterton 70 years ago (August 1945), an atomic bomb was used in war for the first time. The devastation was cosmic. Japan was the recipient; the US was the aggressor. About 140000 people lost their…


Parable of the Life-saving Station

Parable of the Life-saving Station

Posted on 2 min read

On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur, there was once a crude little life-saving station. The building was just a hut, and there was only one boat, but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the sea, and with no thought for themselves went out day…


Is there life after birth?

Is there life after birth?

Posted on 2 min read

Two twins were talking in the womb: Tell me, do you believe in life after birth? Of course. After birth comes life. Perhaps we are here to prepare for what comes after birth. Forget it! After birth there is nothing! From there, no one has returned! And besides, what…


if Humans had Horns…

if Humans had Horns…

Posted on 3 min read

What if human beings had horns? It sounds evil and weird, but I think by now it would be normal. We would be used to it until it sounds normal. I would remember the beautiful horns my grandfather had. Maybe we would know people by the shape of their…


Is Prophet Dr Owuor a false prophet?

Is Prophet Dr Owuor a false prophet?

Posted on 1 min read

The main problem we have in the church is ascertaining whether most of the churches are genuine or not and whether many of the so called men of God are real or crooks. It is not a surprise that these questions are asked; Jesus already prophesied that in the…




Posted on 2 min read

Psalm 23 is my favorite Psalm. I read and recite it over and over because of the lessons that keep popping up. Yea, though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, i’ll fear no evil Psalm 23:4 Valley of Death Although creativity and diction are a few…


Creating a Blog or a Simple Website

Posted on 2 min read

If you know how to use Microsoft Office, then you can create a blog or a simple website. The initial set up can be a little bit technical, but your hosting service provider can help you do that.  What you will then focus on is writing and posting articles,…
