After almost ten years in operation, one of the most funded startups in Kenya – Sendy – recently closed shop. This comes after Sendy ran out of funds. Sounds weird? Yes, the company that was valued at over KShs 10 billion late last year ran…
The Challenge of Turning an Idea into an Income
Tech product engineers consider themselves to be the geniuses of the 21st century. They have disrupted the world with both hardware and cutting-edge software, and are still working on some cool stuff that you probably have not heard about. Programmers claim that they rule the…
NopeaRide is Making Clean Mobility a Reality in Kenya
One of the major obstacles to making environmentally conscious decisions is the immediate cost that is involved in many cases. It costs one convenience when you have to choose sort out their garbage and dispose it in the right way. It is inconvenient when for…
The Race for Electric Boda Bodas in Kenya
Twenty years ago, motorcycles were a preserve for the rich in Kenya. In rural areas, a few teachers owned them, and agricultural extension officers used to ride them as they went for farm visits. They were not common, and were never a public means of…
Scaling up lessons from M-PESA
Building a good product is hard. Getting people to use the good product you have built is even harder. I have seen the careers of many developers come to an end because they thought that having the perfect product would mean mass adoption, only to…